Van Life: Work on The Road and How We Do It!

We are always getting questions about what exactly Brandon and I do for work while living in a van and how we do it.

That’s a question that every nomad hears over a hundred times in their journey on the road.

Well don’t you worry!  The wait is finally over!  I am here to answer your question of what exactly we do for work on the road!

In reality, when it comes to a workday for us, it’s a little all over the place. That’s just us being fully transparent. 

Brandon typically sits at our fold up countertop with the laptop either editing our weekly vlog or putting together van build quotes and contracts for clients.  

Meanwhile, I’m either sitting at the dining table painting a pet portrait, sitting outside enjoying the sunshine while making jewelry, on my phone sending emails or at our wet bar filming content and going live.

We like to call ourselves multi-passionate entrepreneurs (which truly just means we love to do a little bit of everything but can’t commit to any of them.)  It really sounds flaky and messy but we in some strange way still really enjoy it.  It keeps us on our toes and keeps the spontaneity pumping through our veins.

Even though we do overall live an adventurous life, at times it really does feel like Brandon and I are always doing something work related.  Yeah we are getting things done…but at times it’s hard to remember that it will all pay off at some point.  I guess the payoff is our ability to wake up to any view we want.  That’s a pretty good payoff if you ask me.

I will add though, that trust fund everyone talks about sounds really nice right about now!

All jokes aside, our work day can sometimes, more often than not, be inconsistent and hectic but lucky for us one thing that we can always rely on and we know will always get us through a long work day is our Phoenix 200 Portable Power Station from Renogy.

This little compact power station allows us to work anywhere in or out of the van.  Whether we’re at the beach, in the mountains or even just parked in the desert, we have the power station to keep us going and keep us there.

If you know anything about us, you know we prefer flexibility in our lives.  This is why Brandon and I chose the jobs we did.  We are very blessed to be able to work on the road.  With Brandon’s van builds and my painting and content creating– we are still capable of going just about anywhere and that is exactly how we plan to keep it.

That is just another reason why the Phoenix 200 Portable Power Station by Renogy is our go-to for powering our journey in the van. Who wants to be tied down to an outlet in a wall?

Our freedom is just not something we can give up THAT easily.

On top of that, with limited counter and table space in our van it is important that we have a power station that is small and compact like the Phoenix 200 is.  Our “office” has to be fully functioning and still have plenty of room to work!

When we said we were living tiny, we weren’t kidding!

Van life keeps us on our toes and though not every day is perfect, we wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.  We have the perfect system to keep us going and we don’t plan to slow down any time soon.


Living On The Road: How We Feel at Home When We’re Feeling Home Sick